free website stats program 850 mi. weekend in Oregon | Harley Davidson Forums

850 mi. weekend in Oregon


Active Member
My wife and left Saturday morning early, rode about 100 mi to Newport on the Oregon coast. We were supposed to have nice weather but had fog and mist all the way down hwy 101 to Brookings, another 250 mi or so.
We spent the night there at cheap motel with covered parking! That worked out well since it rained over night.
We left there early, no rain but it was overcast and cool. Cresent City is the first California town we came to. I turned around right past the city limits sign just so I could put a pin on the map on that dot! ;)
We took hwy 199 through the redwoods, B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
Then back into Oregon and through Grants Pass, up and over the mountain, past Crater lake. It started to warm up with patches of sun. We were both looking forward to warming up on the east side from Chemault and north on hwy 97.
When I turned north all I could see was a wall of black clouds rolling down off the Cascade mt range. We rode through a few small showers but missed the major cloud bursts. We rode north through LaPine, Bend, Madras and Warm springs before we needed to turn west and over the mt again. We made it just past the front, over mt Hood and back down into the valley before we finally warmed up enough to remove the sweats under the leathers.
The weekend was WAY too short!
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Thanks for the post Clint; my wife and I are riding from Camp Pendleton in CA to Oregon to hit up Langlitz Leather starting 17 July. Nice to see some possible points of interest.

We plan on visiting the Spruce Goose airplane too.
We've ridden the entire Oregon coast line on hwy 101, VERY pretty ride!

We've also been to Langlitz Leathers several times. Some of the nicest people you could meet. Great leathers as well!

I qualified with the M16 in Camp Pendleton in boot, 1978. It's been a few years!
