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How Are You Opening Up Your Oil Filters?


Senior Member
Folks are opening up their oil filters, to see what is in there, like orange cam tensioner foot bits. How are you getting the filters open? They are pretty tough, and you don't want to introduce bits in the opening process, like you would get with a rotary cutter.

Also, some are putting a hole in their filters to drain them, to reduce the mess when changing engine oil. How are you doing that? Metal punch? Awl? Drill?

Rich P
When I've done this, I just pounded a screw driver in. Not the most effective, but it works. Just don't knock your bike over :D
I borrow an over sized pipe cutter from my friend the plumber. I found that even if you punch the filter, and let it drain, there is still oil around the gasket area that will make a mess. i finally made an oil catcher out of a round plastic cooking oil bottle that allowed me to do my last oil change mess-free. I believe this design was "plan H":s.
In post #3, the Link to the tool shown is like the one glider made and used. :D


On another note.....:guitar

Thank You Rubyred, You are ALWAYS giving good STUFF to our members.. I would of given you some "Good Post Points" but I gave some to you a while back and the "HDT Machine" won't allow more right now... You DO deserve MANY more. :D

I've used a dremel with a cutoff wheel. Make slits in the lip about every inch then use a pair of pliers to break them off. Everything comes right out.

Hole in the filter......... I use a nail. Punch the top. Immediately put a piece of tape over it then punch the bottom. peel the tape off of the top and let it drain. The top hole acts as a vent and the tape keeps you from shooting oil all over the place.