Black shadow
I change oil and filter every two thousand miles,I like the look of clear oil coming out of the motor.
Warranty is not a problem with any brand oil that meets requirements and all 20/50 vtwin oils do.
There are a lot of great SNY 20/50 oils for the engine Royal Purple is one of them. Spectro,M1, and many others make a great engine oil HD SNY3 is sadly near the buttom of the list.
Normaly a strong support of Hd parts any suppllies but the lube department just don't rate. And it made By our old buddy HUGO.
My total care packageRG every 5000 by the book HD filter
Change the oil and filter once a season or every 3-5K miles, your choice here. I would suggest changing it before laying it up for the winter to remove all contaminants with the old oil.
Mines changed every year,come what may.just before the season goes from wet n windy to cold and miserable.
Warranty is not a problem with any brand oil that meets requirements and all 20/50 vtwin oils do.
There are a lot of great SNY 20/50 oils for the engine Royal Purple is one of them. Spectro,M1, and many others make a great engine oil HD SNY3 is sadly near the buttom of the list.
Normaly a strong support of Hd parts any suppllies but the lube department just don't rate. And it made By our old buddy HUGO.
My total care packageRG every 5000 by the book HD filter
Well I'm gonna try the Spectro Heavy Duty 20w50 next. So far for me the Mobil 1 "V" Twinn looked beautiful going in looked like honey. Everything seemed to act the same as the HD oil. I mistakenly put some Dino 20w50 oil in (bought from Harley like a dummy not paying attention to what I bought) and on cold days my engine tapped like crazy at crank-up. I took that out after only about 350 miles after I realized what I had done. I'm now running Amsoil 20w50 and the one thing I can say I see that's different from it and all the others is when cold and at idle my oil pressure runs at 32+ much longer than all the others. At first I thought my oil pressure gauge had went bad. What I mean by this is usually after I've ridden far enough for the engine to idle down at a red light the oil pressure gauge drops down with the Amsoil I had ridden about 5.5 miles and was at a light engine idle is normal (no choke) and the pressure was still at 32lbs. Not complaining just making an observation...The 20/50 Spectro Platium I use is a 100% SNY engine oil. the Golden they sell is a blend.
The M1 Vtwin you mentioned before is also a fine engine oil.
For me the Spectro seems to hold higher oil presure in high heat than the others.