Cool stuff Dave - The Nam story reminds me of my USCM party days. Nothing like a thousand guys with no hair, no women, and an unlimited supply of alcohol! I've had my fill of testosterone induced party brawls over the years. Its the biggest reason why I don't enjoy rallys anymore...
Ha, Jim your replies always bring a warm chuckle from me. Actually I had hair then, but admittedly there were a few NCO's with no hair there. I am (as those who have met me can verify) a very peaceful guy. You have to back me in a corner to get me to fight. But sometimes trouble comes a huntun for you if you aren't careful. I remember I barely spilled much whiskey at all on the guy, hardly enough to dampen a small section of his shirt. The place was full of people and getting thru the crowd to the door was quite a chore. My only regret is that I didn't just drink all the whiskey before I left. I did attempt to tell the guy that I did not mean to spill it on him, but they were the non negotiable type if you know what I mean.
Long Binh was such a large secure base that the soldiers there tend to get restless and into fights more than out where my unit was. It was so bad a problem there that they made us turn over our weapons when we entered rear detachment. They would give us our weapons back upon leaving. Obviously the 45 the guy pulled out of his pants was stolen. But even so I have fond memories of going to that service club on the 5 times I was lucky enough to ride on convoy there. It was a fun time from being out in the boonies.
.... .... .... .... .. Just after High school, bored and impatiently awaiting the draft my buddy and I decide to force the issue by signing up. We go to the induction center for our physical but inspite of my best efforts I couldn't provide the required urine sample so I ask my friend to fill it up for me. Later my friend flunks the hearing test and the sargent in charge is more than happy to take it for him. I think his hearing was fine. He was just too dumb to take the test - Bob
That is funny since I remember all those tests. When I got my brother out of prison for a day to attend my mother's funeral, he drank a whole thermos of coffee on the way back to the prison. When I asked why he was drinking so much coffee he said it was real hard for him to urinate in front of the guard and IF he could not produce a sample they would charge him with substance abuse and add time to his sentence. But after a quart of coffee he was a water fall. :bigsmiley12:
You want to here a joke...SNOW IN MAINE TOMMROW..

:.For me thats a joke:small3d031:
Hang in there Mat, (or fly to Florida and rent one) it's gonna thaw soon.
Dave - The hearing test in those days should have been mission specific! Line up the recruits and start firing AK round at them. The ones that duck are infantry the ones that don't are OCS
You know that reminds me of another story if I can find the admissible words to tell it. During the Viet Nam war there was a shortage of Officers. So the Army started this 2nd lieutenant program that rushed them thru. It was jokingly called the Shake and Bake program. Word was that many of the NCO's joked about this new toy by the Army called the 2nd Lieuy toy.
You wind it up, set it down, and it takes 2 steps backward and screws up :lolrolling
And please all you 2nd Lieuy's no offense, it was just a joke for the Shake and Bakes. ALL the officiers that I served with where excellent soldiers.