I am in total agreement with the Marines defending themselves and giving this guy a reason to think twice next time.
Makes me sad to know that it is almost certain to end up in court. The guy will sure BB and those Marines directly instead of the Corp, and most likely the courts will back him as well. He will call it assault because it was four on one and the fact that he was so severely injured proves the Marines were not at risk. Our court system and laws are so full of "protections" for the criminals that unless they have video proof that his injuries really were from falling down he will probably win... and even with that proof he would just sue BB for an unsafe public facility.
We had a local guy here that got fired after stopping an armed shoplifter. The store said that him risking injury and opening the store to a lawsuit by the shoplifter was far more costly than the minor loss that would have been written off on taxes from the stolen item. Welcome to the modern system where we tolerate criminals because the damage they cause is less than the impact of stopping them. You may commence the running in circles and screaming in panic now.


I would give anything to the lawmaker that passed a law stating that during the time a criminal was involved in the act of a committing a crime they forfeit all protections and rights under the law. Other people could still be prosecuted for things like undue force, but the criminal themselves could not bring an action or benefit from a judgement against them...
In this case, BB should donate big to the Toys for Tots the Marines were there supporting. The Marines should be given awards, and they should all be promoted! Finally, the Corp should bring an action against the criminal for the injured Marine to cover medical costs, lost work productivity, trauma counseling (not that he needs it, but stick it to the criminal), and pain and suffering (same comment as before). Two separate criminal charges of willfully damaging government property (The Marine and his uniform) just so he can go to federal prison as the cherry on top.
Yeah, I am evil and can use the legal system as a battering ram as well. :newsmile03: