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Motorcycle Adventure To California

If I'd have known you lived ther Glider, I would have rung the bell and asked you for a frosty; I was partched! If you ain't sellin', I'll keep my eye out for a spread in New Mexico tomorrow!
Hwy 82. I was on this road the entire day!



They even grow windmills out here!


Ok, I can't hold my eyes open any longer, be back tomorrow!
Pru, Having lived in west Texas it brought back some memories, If they can't grow trees out there, plant big flags and windmills with oil and gas rigs. Nice pics too. Glad to hear ya recovered quickly.
Motorcycle Adventure, Day 8

First off, I want to thank everyone for the nice comments. I spent the night at the Motor Inns of America. It looked to be a decent place, but it proved to be otherwise. I did not take my own advice and have nobody to blame but myself. There is no point trying to stay in cheap accommodations unless you are willing to accept substandard. Oh well, reveille was at 0500, the bike was packed and at 0630 it was light enough to leave Lubbock, Texas; (I don’t ride when it’s dark). Hwy 82 took me virtually all the way through Texas from east to west. In Plains, Texas I got on Hwy 380 and stayed on that all day through Roswell until I his I-25 and headed north and got a room in Albuquerque, NM at 1930. So much for cutting back on the mileage; I knocked out 450 today. The scenery was amazing, you can see for miles in every direction and again not a speck of litter anywhere to be seen. Unfortunately pictures don’t do it justice. I got a breakfast biscuit and some coffee in Ropesville, TX and while I was standing by the geezer glide consuming it, an old feller drove up in a truck and it must have taken him twenty seconds to get out. He looked at me like I had invaded the planet and said “where ya headed”, when I told him California, he started talking about his days in the Navy stationed in San Diego. We had a grand ole chat. He farms cotton on a 600 acre spread and told me his whole life story. An interesting old feller and not the only one I have had extended chats with today. I got rained on a couple of times today, but it was so hot and the humidity is so low that the rain felt so good I didn’t even think of putting on rain gear. Once the rain stops, you’re dry in five minutes. This is easy for me to say, but for anyone considering an adventure such as this, don’t wait until you have saved the money, got a promotion, cut the grass or a hundred other reasons to postpone it; if you want to do it and you have a bike capable of doing it, do it sooner rather than later. The sights to see in this country will knock your eyes out. You can go back to work and pay for it later! I realize not everyone wants to do such a thing, but if you are one of ‘em that would like to do it, my advice is to go for it. I’ll post some pictures separately, I don’t want to go through what I went through last night. See y’all tomorrow!
Day 8 Pictures:

Ready to head out.

These fields are planted with computer guided tractors, that's why the rows are so perfect.

Entering Plains, Texas
Day 8, Pictures

This fella thought I was gonna steal his chow.


The first sign coming into NM.


Tatum, NM
